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Meet Vicki

Your certified professional career and life coach

My life today

I live out in the country in a barndominium (for those who have no idea what that is, it's a house built within a barn - but no barn animals included).  I love the silence of nature, filled with sound of hummingbirds, frogs on the creek, and wind in the live oaks. Outside on my porch is where you will find me most days with my journal and Bible, or doing my one-on-one coaching sessions with my students.


I've been married to the love of my life, Kent, for almost 32 years, and we are blessed to have a 21-year-old son who is often the recipient of new coaching processes that I dream up.  If it doesn't earn his approval, it's not included in my CareerGPS program!


In the course of coach training, I've realized how important it is to discover how God created me. Although I appear to be an extrovert, I have to build some time to be still. To reflect. Pray. Breath. Process.


The beginning of career coaching

My story of helping students understand who they are and their role in the BIG picture of life began in 1991 when I became a teacher. I knew in my heart that they were equipped to dream the impossible and run with it. 


I began teaching in a public high school and discovered I absolutely loved working with juniors and seniors. My favorite part was challenging them to think through issues and options for themselves.  And seeing their desire to make a difference in the world was inspiring.


However, I began to notice something that was creating an enormous amount of stress - lack of direction.

My "why" of career coaching

I watched many of my high school seniors graduate with no clear career direction, uncertain of majors or even if they wanted or needed to go to college.  


So I decided to retire from teaching and get my career guidance certification. And I found the perfect career assessment, the Highlands Ability Battery, that shows students exactly how they are wired for specific careers and environments.


I began working with students, thrilled beyond words to see them embrace who they actually were, no longer wishing to be someone other people expected them to be - or do.


Solution achieved. As long as students knew their abilities, they could choose a career path. Or so I thought. Until my son began his 9th grade year. 


Instead, I got HACKED!! And so did he.


My friend,


I'm so grateful that God used my "hack" for good. I realized that defining our life purpose is more than just determining a career path.  Our life purpose is determined by more than our strengths, interests and abilities.  Our life experiences equip us to serve others in ways no one else can.


Now, when I work with clients, I help them...

      Embrace how they were uniquely designed by God​

      Equip them to make decisions about their future with courage

      Empower them to fight against being "hacked" in the future



God continues to use all of our experiences for GOOD!

end of the story

One of my favorite places on earth is Peru. Since 2009 (unless something happens like in 2020), Kent and I have taken mission teams to the mountains of Cajamarca.  


Not only do we grow to love the volunteers we take with us, but we are blessed with another family there. 


We are very thankful to be a part of Villa Milagro Ministries.

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